The brain as the sole control center of the human body

There are several measures, preventive measures that have been discovered which are potent enough to help maintain a state of good health, especially mental health. As such, it will be difficult to get down with the various diseases that are presently ravaging the world. Moreover, there is currently a health issue of concern around the world and it is important that everyone knows it. The rate at which people, young people are losing cognitive abilities is quite alarming. It is expected that geriatrics would lose some mental functions due to aging, however, young people losing Cognition is quite disheartening.

In order to properly understand and track this issue, the brain which happens to be the control center of the human body must be studied and the functions must be accurately elucidated. The brain is an organ with many tissues and nerves that serves as connective mechanisms and transmitters of impulses to other parts of the body. Apart from that, these tissues help with the various cognitive and mental functions of the brain and any damage to their structure means damage to their functions as well. In this case, if the process of degeneration is not reversed, then it might lead to a disease condition. This kind of disease is common in elderly people but the subject of concern however is the fact that it is now seen in people as against the normal schedule of aging. Therefore, all hands are now on deck to fight Alzheimer's disease at all costs.

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