Advice for Alcoholics and Resources to Recover from Addiction

If you are unable to do so, you can still try to borrow the money from people you know and trust, such as friends and relatives. One further option is to apply for a low-interest loan at a local bank. Make a detailed inventory of your possessions and consider whether or not you could liquidate some of them to cover the cost of your treatment.

Post-acute withdrawal syndrome can occur if an alcoholic continues to drink after receiving treatment for alcoholism. Many various symptoms can be associated with this disease (PAWS). A number of emotional and behavioural changes may accompany this disease. Treatment centres for alcoholism generally provide medication to help with the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, including benzodiazepines and anti-seizure medications to prevent potentially fatal seizures. In order to make it through withdrawal, you may need to switch to a healthy diet that's higher in water and vitamin content.


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