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Threats of Toxicity That you Need to be Aware Of: Dr Paul Daidone

Whether we realize it or not, our bodies are constantly being exposed to harmful toxins. In some cases, these toxins are the result of environmental factors such as air pollution and cigarette smoke. However, a lot of the time they're actually coming from what we ingest—and that includes drugs and alcohol. So here's how drug abuse can affect your overall health and wellness:




Poisoning is a serious medical emergency. It can be caused by prescription drugs, over the counter drugs and illicit drugs as well as alcohol. Accidental poisoning occurs when someone takes too much of a drug on purpose or accidentally, thinking it's safe to do so. Intentional poisoning happens when someone uses poison to harm another person or animal.


Poisoning can lead to death if left untreated and requires immediate medical attention in order for treatment options such as decontamination (washing out your stomach contents) or gastric lavage.


For more information visit here #https://drpauldaidone.org/


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