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Migraines can be debilitating, but there are ways to manage the symptoms and improve your quality of life. Dr. Wayne Lajewski provides beginner tips for finding migraine relief:

Rest Your Eyes: When experiencing a migraine, light sensitivity is often a common symptom. Wearing sunglasses and avoiding bright lights or sources of glare can be helpful. Taking breaks from screens and resting your eyes for 20 minutes at a time by closing them or focusing on distant objects can also provide relief.

Get Outside When Possible: While it may be challenging to think about anything else when a migraine strikes, making an effort to go outside can have a positive impact. Even if the sun is too bright or there is noise around, being in nature can help alleviate some symptoms. Being outdoors can also address triggers like depression, anxiety, and sleep deprivation, which are known to exacerbate migraines.


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